Monday, 18 May 2020

Things I Wish I Could Do Now (keeping in mind that, as seniors,  we're expected to stay home)

  • Spend a whole day, in my bedroom, by myself, and not feel it might hurt Dave
  • Pick up a book that I haven't already read
  • Stop thinking about bread instead of real food
  • Remember something that I used to be able to cook, and have a go at it
  • Stay in my nightclothes all day (just once, to see why so many people think it's the thing to do)
  • Stop worrying that the haircut I gave Dave is something he's just accepted
  • Watch every show from "Brooklyn99" in order
  • Get new furniture that isn't brown in the "living room" 
  •  Stop changing my fingernails' colour every 2nd day
  • Get some of the many things I've ordered online


  1. I have no interest in staying in my PJs, but track pants are not much of a step up.

  2. At least the weather is now nice enough (mostly) for you to poke your nose out that patio door. We enjoyed our lunch in the park on Monday and hope to have coffee with friends in their spacious backyard tomorrow. We'll be able to keep our distance there.

  3. We went to Almonte today. see FB

  4. The lockdown hasn't changed much in my lifestyle that I can't easily handle so far (although I felt teary when leaving Emil the other day, and that's unusual ... then again, I was very tired so that might explain it), but when I have to wear a mask ... then I might notice the restriction more. If Emil is here on a weekend and I stay in my housecoat till noon, he'll inevitably ask, with a tone of anxiety, whether I'm going to stay in my pyjamas all day. I think he connects that with illness; don't know why it bothers him. I never go all day without getting dressed though; unless I AM sick. Speaking of getting dressed, I'd better get a move on! I envy you not HAVING to go anywhere! I'll spend the day indoors in Margo and, as much as I like my home town, I'd rather be here, going in and out the door. -Kate

  5. I have been missing your comments on my blog entries, Lorna, and wondering how you are doing with all the challenges you were facing last time I heard from you. Here's hoping you or Dave will drop me a line and let me know.

