Wednesday, 9 January 2019

My first 2019 listing

Today, I have been thinking of  some things that have come into my life this past year that should have been there long ago:

  • the ability to cut my own hair while I'm wearing it fairly short---when I wear it long, I've always been able to cut it myself, but having added some IKEA shelving with mirrors for doors, it's made short haircuts really easy
  • the knowledge that any book I read more than 2 years ago is now eligible for thrilling me as easily as it did the first time
  • those fairly expensive battery-run things that rub the dry skin off your feet really work
  • there are actually mittens that can keep your hands warm outdoors; my Secret Santa gave me wonderful leather with lambswool lining that make it feel like May outdoors
  • brioche.  I know I need say nothing unless you're a dedicated brown-bread eater
  • carrying a small notebook around so that when I go in a store I know why I'm there or when I leave the house to visit someone I remember to pick up the bottle of wine
  • alpaca wool socks....OM very G
  • Malbec.  Thank you Sarah Rushton, I would never have found this on my own,  having had a preference for white wine
  • Netflix....I had watched Dave following programs for which I thought I had no time, but since Chris gave us a huge TV as a gift this past year, I now watch more than most of the Star Treks, some CNN and The Rookie. I have to admit to loving Data even more when his face is about 3 feet, chin to slicked hair.
  • Sleeping overnight at Emily's which led to our buying a brand new wonderful mattress
 I just went back and read the list, and I have to add, as something new, insight.  


  1. Found you. Subscribed. Reading. Commenting.

    I know I said I do this a while back, but I'm the great procrastinator. But now you're in my feed reader, so I won't miss your literary gems.

  2. I have alpaca socks on right now. Long ones to try to protect myself form those cold spots on my legs that have very little to do with ambient temperature. (The cold spots I mean, not my legs as such.)

  3. Great list! Your insights are brilliant - as they were even before this new year!

  4. Catching up ... three in a row, so far! Lorna, I hope this keeps up! xoxoxo Kate
