Wednesday, 23 January 2019

In which I really open up

I have been finding myself bored lately.  How does a person who can do whatever she wants end up bored?

I'm assuming that at least part of this has to do with the kind of on-and-off pain that is quite normal for my age, and that some of it has to do with the very cold weather we've had for the last few weeks. But as well, something has been keeping me in our house. 

I have books galore, access to my computer, phone and tablet at any time, lots of great music I can listen to, a huge new TV  and a comfy chair to watch it from.  More importantly I have a warm and caring family and most luckily, a husband who is always ready to talk or not talk, eat or not eat, go out or not go out.  So there's nothing here that helps me to understand why I have become a house mouse.

If I really start to think about this, I realize that my relationship with the community at large has changed a lot.  I used to be very involved as a volunteer, and in some cases, a leader.  Then, a few years ago, when I'd had a down and out hollering match with someone who preferred that I be a yes-person, I decided that I could continue to support the LGBTQ2 community online rather than make worse a friendship that was connected to that support.  I thought the change has been working, but it's not the same. I miss seeing those people. And I miss the meetings, the planning, the goal-reaching and the warmth.

Knowing this and after talking with Dave and other friends, I've reached out to a couple of groups I used to be part of, and sadly, they haven't replied. I'm in a quandary because I'm not sure if I'm disappointed or if I'm relieved.


  1. Book reviewer?
    Virtual book club leader?
    If going out of the house is part of what you want, you could be an actual book club leader focusing on LGBTQ friendly books? Hosting authors/artists/musicians in a sort of salon? This could be done either in your house or out on the town? Maybe the local library?

  2. I'm no help, but I do think that we're in a cold and snowy part of winter, which limits our options somewhat. Not talking about groups and such but just the fact that were more housebound. It's harder to go out on a whim.

    See? told you I was no help.

  3. I'll try and get another book into that mix for you. It takes a while, though.

    Glad to hear there's a Dave. Dave is cool. Everyone should have a Dave. And he has great taste in hats.
