Wednesday, 30 May 2018

The shortest movie review ever

I just watched a movie called "About Time". 

I am not great at reviewing a movie, as some of my friends are, because I tend to expect that everything I see will be a good movie, and often I'm right.  When I'm not, I get over it.

However, I wish I could have another experience as warm, as funny, as touching, as absolutely wonderful as watching "About Time" was.

Since writing that, I've gone to look at reviews, and found that other people have been able to do what I wish I could, and they all loved it too.


  1. I like a sweet story, myself. Also an admirer of Rachel McAdams ... one of "ours." Loved her in Slings and Arrows, a series that never gets old, for me. Of course, there is serious eye candy there in Mr Gross. I can't resist. -Kate
