Monday, 28 May 2018

Deep self exploration, she said with deep sarcasm

Well, today I tried my first order of groceries online-to-be-delivered.  Actually, I was amazed at the clarity of the site and the availability of grocery-sort-of stuff.  I used my list on the whiteboard to keep me from just going for the things I already loved or would love to try.  It's pathetic that I feel proud of that.

Just to balance that, I'm including something of which I am genuinely proud:  a photo of us with Asith, also known as our son, and his wife Sonia.  This was taken almost a year ago, and I can still remember the warmth.


  1. It brings a memory to the surface. Back ~1970 in London, we would often shop at Dominion on Friday evening before or after supper out and then have the groceries delivered to student housing on Saturday morning. Mind you, it wasn't a phone-in order.

  2. Online grocery shopping! It is to dream.
    Here, we're lucky the store opens late a couple nights a week, and also on Sundays (though some customers actually complain about that; are they nuts?)
