So today, I saw something in my bunch of photos and thought it would work in the blog to show that I used to be a blonde, first naturally and then assisted, since I'd heard from one of my granddaughters that she didn't recognize pictures of me from when I was blonde. That, and the photo I'd found led to this story:
About twelve years ago I had grown my l'Oréal-assisted blonde hair down past my shoulders and made a strange decision to get curls added to my look. It was not really a success, and as I soon had about two inches of uncurled, uncoloured hair next to my scalp, I'd decided to remove both colour and curls from my presentation by having everything "not natural" cut off.
The person who did it for me actually tried to talk me out of the drastic decision into something that would be not so different, although she used the words "necessary for your age" and "mumble, mumble well-thought-out". That approach led me to a very "it's MY hair" thing, and she went ahead and cut off all the hair that was not natural-as-birth, like I'd asked.
Did you know that grey hair can look more like very shy brown, and that getting your cut all one length of less than 2 inches doesn't really give you a style, unless you're looking for "wrong choices for 60 year-olds"? I certainly didn't know that, but I made a start to save the whole thing by buying several pairs of the kind of earrings that make people just focus on them rather than the hair that wasn't hiding them (so I hoped). Also, given that my dad's hair turned beautifully silvery and my mom's was totally, shiny white, I was a bit depressed and felt they'd done wrong by me, but new earrings can almost always change my sad days.
Dave and I have always been careful not to make comments on each other's looks as a rule, but when I came home, he smiled very warmly and told me he liked my hair. (I'm sure it was for the first time, and really, it knocked me over).
Which takes me back to this photo, taken when I was 20, teaching school and spending lots of time and money for a look that, when I see it now, just says "Take a good look, young Julia...blonde!"
Aside from having little hair, I kind of wish that it were either dark or gray and not a half-assed nothing.