Tuesday, 5 June 2018

The other day I posted this to Facebook, but I also want to have it on Blogger, as it's something I've been thinking a lot about lately, and Blogger is an easier place to get at after a few days than Facebook is .

On my mind today is loneliness. Not my own loneliness, because although I feel it at the moment, I have friends and family that I can connect with, and mostly I'm lonesome for Dave, who's been away for a while. I'm thinking of the loneliness of people that I see on the streets, in Tim Horton's and McDonalds or on the bus, who have lost contact with their former friends and family, and whose empty eyes won't make contact with mine. On the other hand, yesterday when I was out walking, I saw a man coming toward me, smiling, and when I smiled back, he asked if I would give him $5, as he'd lost his wallet and needed to get the bus home. I recognized him from other walks, but of course, he interacts with many people and saw me as just another target. I told him how he'd approached me several times, and he just shrugged and moved on. Fake loneliness....weird.  

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