Monday, 27 November 2017

Oh, just another list...

Questions that come up to retirees in the 75plus sector of humanity:

  • Is it to be considered waste to take time to put on make-up and earrings even if  I know I'm not leaving the house?
  • Should I continue to crunch all my library books in a bag because most of them were found in the Adolescence section?
  • Do I really deserve the amount of wine and chocolate I provide for myself?
  • Is it actually a law that I can no longer wear high heels?
  • Is it wrong to hope that the bus driver is going to ask for proof on seniors-free day?
  • Should I give away my sparkly nail polish?
  • How much time should I spend playing Old Maid with Maddy on the floor?
  • Should I wear dark glasses while I'm picking over the clothes at Forever 21?
  • Is it really repugnant to others that Dave and I kiss goodbye at the airport?
  • Is this tattoo really considered to be edgy or brave, as I've been told on many occasions?

Actually, I find myself pissed off that many of these questions are not my own.


  1. I do the makeup thing and worry about scaring the person delivering my lunch. I think they mostly feel sorry for me. Whatever.

  2. I have a pact with Sarah that when I start to scare people with my make-up she'll lock me into the house until I smart up

  3. You can still play on the floor? That's pretty good.
