Friday, 26 February 2016

On Second Thought....

Today is the day I am doing all the things "they" tell you not to do.  I read about the signs of pancreatic cancer, I skipped to the end of a crappy book with a decent story, I noticed that I only have one follower on my blog, I (mistakenly) turned off my computer while a big sign flashed at me telling me "Do Not Turn Off Your Computer", I counted calories, I looked at my nose with a magnifier, I tried to bite off the loose skin on my lip and I actually listened to myself mumbling about how I have to stop pitying those poor old folks who die at 67.

I seriously think I need to nap until tomorrow and start fresh.


  1. What is this "crappy book with a decent story" of which you speak?

    Can people still "follow" on blogs?

  2. I follow your blog in my own way.
