And yes, crocheted one of these
and wore it once |
When I was in my early 60's, I started to notice that my fingers were sort of bumpy and slightly less dexterous. That corresponded with my inability to crochet a straight line, and to apply mascara only to my lashes. I took it well, I thought. After all, I was getting older, and it was only to be expected that I would be affected by arthritis. I say "affected" because I certainly didn't suffer.
A few years later, my wrists became very boney and developed a little mound---OK, helped to keep my bracelets in place.
Thursday, I woke up with a strange sharp pain in my right ear, and Yikes, it really hurt, so I called my doctor expecting to get antibiotics for an infection. He asked me to "open wide" and we could both hear a click. So now, I have arthritis in my jaw and the recommendation is to get used to it.
I have never, ever, heard a complaint from anyone about an arthritic jaw. I'm not sure I've ever heard those words in the same sentence. I am not expecting this to be a hardship, and I know how lucky I have been in terms of my health, but sometimes Life is weird.