Dave has gone back to work after a stretch of retirement, and I had worried that it would be hard on him to work 5 days a week, even if it's only until May. I shouldn't have forgotten his skill at taking naps when they're needed
The real worry has become the effect his being at work has had on me---we've never been joined at the hip, seldom watch the same TV, don't relax or gear up the same way, but I find the days without him very long.
I shouldn't complain; I can read anytime (but that was always the case), eat when I feel like it, although I do try to be the dinner-maker, walk where and when I feel like an outing, which again is nothing new, so I can't figure out what it is that is making my days seem so long.
I guess I like us doing things differently together.

Here's how we do something together. We were out for dinner with our dear cousins Sue and Dennis, and except for the fact that I had to lend Dennis my glasses, it turned out just as great as we thought it would.
BTW, before Windows 10, I would have known how to give those photos more light.